Finding the right attorney
The best DWI attorney for you is one that is experienced, skilled and can communicate effectively with you. As you look for an attorney to handle your case, you will find there are a number of attorneys that are experienced and skilled. If you cannot communicate effectively with your attorney, that experience and skill is useless.
Communication starts with listening to your concerns and helping to address them as best we can. Sometimes it’s as simple as knowing the most likely outcome of their case. Other times, we need to apply our experience and skill to ensure we address particular concerns.
We can tell most of our clients:
- You probably will not be convicted of a crime. Most of our clients get their DWI charges reduced to a non-criminal disposition.
- You probably won’t need an ignition interlock device. Most of our clients are never required to install the device that monitors your Blood Alcohol Content before you can start your car.
- You won’t lose your job. Most clients continue their work without any interruption to their career.
But some clients have more significant concerns. Some clients hire us because we’ve helped so many former clients escape addiction and illness. For those clients, we work in collaboration with evaluators and treatment providers. For many clients, their arrest for DWI is an honest wake up call. We can help. Call today! (716)222-2522.
Buffalo DWI Attorney Fighting To Clear Your Name
If you’ve been charged with driving while intoxicated or a related offense, there’s a lot at stake. DWI penalties in New York carry severe penalties that can have effects on your future. Having an experienced Buffalo DWI attorney on your side can help reduce your charges and keep your criminal record clear. [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″], has experience as both a prosecutor and defense lawyer for DWI charges. With his knowledge of both sides of the court system, he can craft an airtight defense that will withstand the prosecution’s case against you.
Facing DWI charges in Buffalo? Take the first steps to protect your future by scheduling a free consultation with our DWI attorney today.
What Is The Evidence For A DWI Conviction In New York?
DWI convictions may seem fairly straightforward, but guilt can be difficult to prove. In New York, there are five factors that must be considered prior to a DWI charge. These five factors will determine if you were intoxicated at the time of your arrest and the severity of your charges and will also determine if a lawful arrest was made.
According to the New York Department of Motor Vehicles, intoxication is based on five factors:
- The amount of alcohol consumed
- The amount of food eaten along with the drink(s)
- The amount of time over which the individual was drinking
- Bodyweight
- Gender
For these reasons, it’s hard to make rules on intoxication based on the number or kind of drinks a person had. Evidence collected at the scene can also be inconclusive. Police officers can also make arrests based on “reasonable grounds” to believe a driver has been drinking. These reasons vary and can be fought in court.
If you were arrested as a result of a failed breathalyzer test or refusal of a field sobriety test, schedule a consultation to see how our team can help today. We can also answer your questions and help you with other municipal offenses.
Contact A Buffalo Defense Lawyer For Help
A DWI conviction can affect your daily life, your reputation and even your job. If you think your DWI charge was unfair or believe you have a chance in fighting your charge, call us today at (716)222-2522. As a Buffalo DWI attorney, James Quinn Auricchio, Esq., has extensive experience defending against DWI charges and compassion for the situation you are in. Contact his office today at (716)222-2522.